Weekly update 19th of October
We have been growing organically since the beginning. User growth is closely related with support, and we have a great community that is helping us answer common questions. As a new technology, we face misconceptions especially associated with the crypto space. For those reasons, we must have a focus on support and helping people understand how amazing BitTube is.
New support desk and Knowledge Base
We have collected common questions and topics that are available to search. Next time when you have an issue with your BitTube account, we hope you can find the answer there. If not, we are here to help. Just press the “?” icon and send us a ticket. Our support staff will get back to you in less than 24 hours. Moreover, we can see what article you have visited before getting in touch. This will help us improve the knowledge base. Check it out at https://kb.bit.tube
Integrated wallet addresses
TUBE coin is quite unique. It is a privacy coin which means nobody provided with the transaction ID/hash can see the sender or receiver wallet address. At the same time, however, you can prove your transaction to anyone who needs verification from you, such as exchanges or shop owners using our WooCommerce payment gateway.
In order to prove your transaction, before, a payment ID was used while sending the amount. Not anymore. An integrated wallet address will be generated at the moment of sending a transaction. For the user, this will protect every purchase as the transaction comes automatically with an ID. No more mess ups and unverified deposits to exchanges or online purchases. Our goal is to make it as easy as possible to use TUBE, since we believe it is the only true path to mass adoption.
Added two new languages
With the help of the community now Italian and Romanian have been added to the platform.
Security measures against bots
We blacklisted hundreds of viewer bots created during the period we, unfortunately, did not have captcha implemented and removed the views generated by those accounts. We have restored the captcha system, enabled countermeasures against view spoofing, and all suspected bot sessions are now invalidated (rejected) by blacklisting millions of IPs from cloud service providers.
Airtime is now some 2 months old and especially from the second month suspicious bot behavior started to become an increasing problem. Following our measures, we will monitor the explorer closely to see if our fixes will give the desired effect.
The dev team fixed UI bugs reported by the community and improved overall performance.
Stay tuned!
Your BitTube team